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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mumbai takes to Left

What is this fetish we have? Anyone driving through lanes of Mumbai (I wouldn’t call them roads), would notice this. We Mumbaikars can not & do not wait. We dont let the vehicle in front go past.. its a race, to beat the traffic, pollution, time, others and mostly ourselves.

Seems like vehicles who have perched themselves on the right lanes are morons.. coz you always have that devious left lane to get into and go past the rest.. and once in the left lane, you move, faster than the rest. The triumph experienced is that of finding yourself anew.. try this out!! Suddenly you feel you are moving at a jet speed.. but hold! the sustained results are not always the same, most often than not, a few feet down the road, you’d find your right lane vehicle partners queuing up or rather cozying up with you.. howzzat?? Truly, you feel disdained for all the maneuvering skills you showed perching your vehicle on the leftest lane..

Yet, day after day I notice scores of vehicle mates jostling for that little left lane space through which they want to jet speed into their day. I follow these left laners :-)

Electronics destination

Just to fight the fright of driving through the wrecked Andheri Kurla Road, all the way to West line coast is what the writer underwent, for the longest period of time: this could have won me the longest procrastinator award !

Getting out of the complex parking lot (dunno how others reverse!), was actually smooth & but the drive as expected took whistles out of me. Really. Not kidding.
The simple thought that there would be kind souls on the street giving me way.. was wayward! and the look from fellow drivers.. obnoxious! Thats the same feeling I get ALWAYS! I've to decipher why!

But all goes well that ends well. In this case, nothing went well so how could it end so? The second bit of tussle began at the shop front.. yeah! you guessed it right. Parking! Any one puhleeease! and not a single kind soul on the street this very festive cheerful season. Self help here is devastating!! It was.

The worse is yet to hit!
The Brand I went to buy was there, but not the models I had so painstakingly researched over the net!! Well, the site said its available - guess it never matched with their real time inventory. Now, thats an observation I can post in detail - this always happens to me.
My Murphy. My lopsided World!!

I could live with the disappointment of my futile visit.. but what about the driving fright?